“Patchwork of Selvage,” a writing project Debra
undertook in 1999 and subsequently published in Precipitates,
the following two projects are the traces of her experience
with a disciplined, daily practice—a process that she
first came to value as a student of taijiquan.
on the image to view a slide-show presentation of photos
Debra took during daily walks to Walden Pond through
Winter 2001/2002.
a week of even weather I took exactly the same number
of steps, and of the same length, coming and going,
stepping deliberately and with the precision of a
pair of dividers in my own deep tracks,—to such
routine the winter reduces us,—yet often they
were filled with heaven’s own blue. But no weather
interfered fatally with my walks, or rather my going
abroad, for I frequently tramped eight or ten miles
[!] through the deepest snow to keep an appointment
with a beech-tree, or a yellow-birch, or an old acquaintance
among the pines.”
—Henry David Thoreau
Click on Photo |

on the page icon above to read excerpts from letters
Debra wrote while undertaking the Dantian Challenge
in 2003.
ability to practice pre-birth breathing lies within
each and every one of us. No complicated classes,
books or great teachers are needed. On the other hand,
merely discussing it will accomplish nothing. You
must reflect back to what it must have been like when
you were a fetus and then practice . . . and continue
to practice. Daoist philosophy is easy to understand,
but difficult to apply.”
—Jou, Tsung Hwa